Why fairforce.one?
Your advantages:

You can turn to us if you understand that there is always a conflict in every accident.

One side wants to be compensated quickly and in full. This is the side of the injured party.

The other side wants to settle the claim as economically and cheaply as possible - preferably with no service at all.

In Germany, the party liable to pay benefits is almost always an insurance company.

The victims are usually private individuals or small companies.

Contact us if you understand that you have the right to a neutral service provider.

The costs for this service provider are part of the compensation and must therefore be borne by the insurance company liable to pay.

Contact us if you have understood that you can only win with the fairforce system!

If you settle your accident on your own, you can make an incredible number of mistakes. 

These mistakes all have one thing in common: they cost you time and money!

About fairforce

fairforce.one is a Leipzig-based legal-tech company that has been developing and supporting smart systems for customer-centred accident settlement since 2017.

Our mission is to simply put accident victims on an equal footing with the insurer liable to pay benefits and to ensure a fair settlement for all.

Our team combines many years of expertise in the fields of IT, mobility, legal, insurance and marketing.

From our Leipzig headquarters, we coordinate our constantly growing, nationwide network of certified traffic law specialists, experts, garages and hire car providers. 

ISO-certified quality management

In 2018, just one year after it was founded, fairforce had its entire software and the processes it maps externally audited and certified in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard.

Most recently, in April 2024, following a detailed audit with TÜV-Süd, the up-to-dateness of fairforce's quality management was reconfirmed and certified.

Excellent service

The fairforce platform has been the best-rated nationwide consumer portal for insurance-independent accident claims settlement without interruption since 2023. 

Unique software in the background

The technical centrepiece and our pride and joy is our intelligent softwarewhich links the appropriate service providers for each accident victim and then provides all those involved with precisely the digital tools they need to resolve the accident quickly and efficiently.

The software has made it possible for the first time to measure and compare the performance behaviour of individual service providers. Who is how fast, how reliable, how customer-friendly, how expensive ...

For you as an accident victim, this has the priceless advantage of only encountering high-performance service providers on the fairforce platform at any time.

In order to be able to consistently implement this type of quality management for you, we have maintained our strict independence since our foundation. We avoid any social links with service providers.

Our customer reviews prove us right and make us proud

Without app download!

Everything went by itself and I didn't have to take care of anything myself. The service at the dealership itself was also very good. I am completely satisfied.

What does fairforce.one mean?
Idea & Ethics

For us, fairforce.one stands for "the first balancing force in the centre". For us, "fair" is like being pregnant. You are or you are not. If you are fair, you are fair in all directions. That means towards the injured party as well as towards the insurance company liable to pay benefits. Our experience and the data from the settlements we have assisted with show quite clearly that consistent compliance with applicable law is still best for everyone involved!

The message is in the direction of insurance:

If a claim exists, it must be honoured. Without ifs and buts, swiftly, respectfully and in full. Fantasies of cutbacks, stalling tactics or inferior compensation destroy indispensable relationships of trust and are expensive time thieves in the long term.

In the direction of the injured parties:

If an attempt is made to overstretch or construct a claim, this not only damages your own settlement result, but also the insurance community, i.e. your neighbour, work colleague or your own family.

Our solution:

With the fairforce platform, we have therefore created a neutral space in which all participants can meet in a spirit of trust and on an equal footing. Our technology, which learns on a daily basis, and the experienced fairforce team ensure time-saving and fair cooperation.

How fairforce.one is financed

In the event of an accident through no fault of your own = liability claim

And what's the catch? Can this service really be free of charge? Yes and no.

If you instruct us to settle your accident not caused by your fault, our licence as a legal service provider allows us to invoice the enforcement of your claims to the insurance.

To be precise, this is an invoice in accordance with § 2 and § 13 of the German Lawyers' Fees Act (RVG), i.e. exactly as you would expect from any lawyer.

We submit this invoice together with all your existing claims to the insurer liable to pay.

Means for you:

1. you therefore have no costs from us, because our fee is part of your legal claim for compensation. And this is borne by the insurance company.

2. since the amount of the RVG invoice is regulated by law and is calculated according to the amount of damages obtained for you, we have a common interest: That what you are legally entitled to is actually obtained for you in full.

In the event of a self-inflicted accident = comprehensive cover claim

If you are at fault for the accident, this means that you or your comprehensive insurance will pay for the restoration.

Good news:
Here, too, you can hire us with a clear conscience. We will receive a settlement fee of 15 % from you from the payout achieved for you in the end for accompanying your self-inflicted accident. This means you can rest assured that we will only be paid if we have been successful on your behalf.
Experience from many thousands of cases shows that our network of specialists regularly achieves better payouts for you and, above all, saves you a lot of time and effort. So it's worth it for you. Just try us out!

Why a green elephant?

We are asked this time and again. That's why it's now here as a separate category.

When it came to deciding which corporate values should be recognisable in our brand design, there was suddenly an elephant in the room.


But most importantly:

It is said that the elephant forgets little. Our digital elephant forgets nothing and thinks of everything for you!

And why green?

Quite simply: try NOT to think of a green elephant right now! 😉

Frequently asked questions

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