Writing an accident report correctly - what it must contain

There's been a crash and you've been involved in an accident. The shock is great and you are at a loss as to what to do next. To ensure that you know later what actually happened at this delicate moment and don't forget any details, it is advisable to draw up an accident report at the scene of the accident. How to do this and what to look out for [...]

Stall fees after a road accident - who pays?

Standgebühren nach Verkehrsunfall (Symbolbild)

A car cannot always be repaired immediately after an accident. If an accident-damaged car is parked on a garage site, the garage can charge the corresponding demurrage fees. But who bears the costs for the garage's demurrage charges? We explain what you need to be aware of. On the workshop site for longer than necessary? It is normally assumed that [...]

Rear-end collision? What you need to consider now


Whether at traffic lights, when turning or simply in the middle of traffic, a rear-end collision can happen quickly and is an everyday occurrence on German roads. But what do you do if the person behind you has rear-ended you? Do I have to call the police? And who actually pays for the damage? What to do in the event of a rear-end collision? It often happens unexpectedly: the car behind [...]

The other party in the accident is lying - And now?

Unfallgegner lügt - Und nun?

In many cases, road accidents are actually a clear-cut matter when it comes to the question of fault. If the question of fault is clear, the way to pay compensation is clearly defined by law. For example, if you were involved in a road accident that was caused by someone else, e.g. by taking your right of way out of carelessness in the dark while you were driving on a priority road [...].

5 tips - if the opposing party's insurance company doesn't get in touch

Gegnerische Versicherung meldet sich nicht

After a road traffic accident caused by someone else to your detriment, you must first inform your insurance company and then that of the person responsible for the accident within two weeks of becoming aware of the damage. In the best-case scenario, the other party's insurance company will explain the next steps in the settlement of your claim and take you by the hand. But this [...]

Questionnaire from the opposing insurance company - why you don't have to deal with it

Fragebogen gegnerische Versicherung

After the accident, the question of who was at fault seemed to be clear. Now an accident questionnaire from the insurance company suddenly appears on your desk. You are asked to provide information again... Do you really have to fill it in? What are the consequences of this information? In fact, filling out such questionnaires regularly has bad effects with good intentions. How to avoid them [...]

Fictitious settlement - having accident damage paid out

Fiktive Abrechnung - Unfallschaden auszahlen lassen

The liability insurance of the person responsible for the accident must pay for the repair costs of the injured party in accordance with Section 249 of the German Civil Code (BGB). But what if you don't want to have your car repaired at all? We will be happy to help you with this question and explain everything you need to know about "fictitious settlement" in this guide. Fictitious settlement: The accident damage [...]

Accident with a new car - these are your rights

A new car not only has a very specific smell, but also triggers a deep sense of satisfaction in many people. This makes it all the more annoying when the newly purchased car is involved in an accident after a short time. Many new car owners then ask themselves whether they can get a new car as a replacement after an accident that was not their fault [...].

Car park accident - important information and claims settlement

Multi-storey and underground car parks are often the only chance of finding a parking space in our city centres. However, steep entrances, narrow lanes and narrow parking pockets virtually provoke parking damage. Even if it is usually only damage to the car body, there are a few things to bear in mind. In our guide, you can read which rules apply in car parks and how you can protect yourself in the event of an accident [...].

Delays in repairs - these are the consequences

After an accident that was not your fault, the vehicle is usually repaired in a workshop and is ready to drive again after a short time. But what happens if the repair takes longer than expected? And what then happens to a hire car or the loss of use allowance? Can the insurance company refuse to pay because the garage takes too long? This [...]